Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Stranded on the Mountain

I probably shouldn’t have joked about “bread and milk runs” earlier this week to our Grownups Bible Study as I – along with 14 of our staff and 9 MountianTot teachers -am stranded here with a chance for all of us to serve “on the Mountain.”  We have as guests about 25 MountainTot kids plus their parents, a half dozen kids without parents, a dozen of our tenants from Chambers and a random collection of motorists who became stranded nearby (and who are still trickling in).  Thanks Leon!

In the midst of our “Snow-PocalypseI am so very proud of our staff.  Some immediately turned our atrium into a hospitality suite with hot cider and snacks and the Frozen soundtrack playing in the background.  Another group trudged through the snow to get enough groceries so that we could cook dinner for all our kids and guests this evening (and breakfast tomorrow morning).  The MountainTot teachers volunteered to stay with kids throughout the night.  Staff members have helped parents walk kids up and down the hill and now (as we are settling down) are helping everyone find a place to spend the night.  I just finished a great conversation with one of our guest who teaches an 8th grade Sunday School class about his Sunday School “homework” – there are a lot of great conversations taking place.  AND we are even showing an 80’s classic on the big screen in the Sanctuary (you will have to guess the title – hint:  everyone needs a hero).

Our vision is to learn and share a better way to live in Christ.  Tonight we are living into that vision – sharing what we have with neighbors in need – that’s a better way to live!

If you or a friend are stranded near 65 and 31 we are open with warmth and wifi (I think we are out of beds) and what’s true on Sunday morning is especially true tonight – EVERYONE IS WELCOME!

PS – As you pray for everyone impacted by the storm add a prayer that the roads clear enough tomorrow that we will be able to get the kids, our guests and our staff home safely.

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