Many schools, in preparation for the coming year, provide their students with required reading lists for the summer. Last night at dinner I asked our youngest daughter what was on her Summer Reading List – it hasn’t been released it. Later it got me thinking:
7 must read (or re-read) books for the summer + 1 web site
Simply Christian by NT Wright – We will launch the fall with an “apologetics series” based on the second section of the book. Reading or re-reading Simply Christian will help reinforce the message series.
Communicating for a Change by Andy Stanley – Anyone who communicates to groups as part of their ministry would benefit from the book. It’s in two parts – a parable and an explanation of the parable.
Basic Christian Leadership by John Stott – I’m convinced that anyone in leadership should read this book at least once a year.
They Like Jesus But Not the Church by Dan Kimball – Dan will be our guest speaker on Sunday, October 4. This is a great read and would be good preparation for welcoming Dan.
Think Orange by Reggie Joiner – Orange thinking will shape the direction of our children, student, parent and family ministries this fall. Chapters 2 – 4 are essential reading for anyone in leadership at Grace.
The Present Future by Reggie McNeal – Some of you will remember that I brought Reggie in to spend a day with our staff 4 years ago. The Present Future remains a great reminder of the shifts that are taking place in churches today.
Killing Cockroaches by Tony Morgan – Tony is among the most creative strategist in the church world today. This is a great read!
Advent Conspiracy –will be released this fall (I’ve pre-ordered a few copies). Advent Conspiracy is our theme for Christmas. For the summer lots of infor
mation can be found at http://www.adventconspiracy.org/
Then I added 8 additional summer reads (or re-readings) that will support our work this fall
Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell
The Starfish and the Spider – by Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom
Pop Goes the Church – by Tim Stevens
Confessions of a Pastor – by Craig Groeschel
UnChristian by Dan Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons
Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
Blue Like Jazz by Don Miller
Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath
Finally here are the titles among those I have on my own Summer Reading List (summer is my time to catch up on reading)
Quitting Church – Julia Duin
It – Craig Groeschel
Ten Stupid Things that Keep Churches from Growing – Geoff Surratt
Crazy Love – Francis Chan
Outliers – Malcolm Gladwell
Surprised by Hope – NT Wright
Less Cluttter - Kem MeyerFinally if you are looking for a fiction read, a good friend is publishing her first book, which she describes as a great “beach read.” It comes out next month and you can pre-order it at Amazon. If enough people purchase her book maybe she’ll spring for dinner the next time our families are together!
Mourning Becomes Cassandra by Christina Dudley
So here’s the question:
Doug, you forgot to warn them about the cussing! Folks, like all good beach reads, it's PG-13.
ReplyDeleteGood list!