The book takes it's inspiration from the brief account in 1 Kings 7 of a bronze worker named Huram (not to be confused with Huram the King of Tyre - I'm sure lots of you were confused by that).
Huram is summoned by King Solomon to participate in the construction of the Temple which included two large bronze columns. At the top of the columns - more than thirty feet up in the air (where no one would be able to see it) Huram added the detail of 200 pomegranates cast in bronze.
It's a great book and a great story and one that is inspiring a potential teaching series (beware Band of Brothers). Here's the main point:
Huram paid just as much attention to the details no one would ever notice as he did to the things more visible. Huram was working for an audience of one - the only one who would ever see the top of the Temple columns - God.
And it makes me think about how careful I am with the details that no one will ever see.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear that the book was helpful. I never grow weary of hearing that!
I would love to come share a message to kick off your series if you do it!