This week in our Daybreak small group we closed with this pastoral prayer for healing written by Peter Marshall (1902-1949) Scottish-American, Presbyterian pastor, twice chaplain of the Senate. It’s a great prayer for all of us:
There are loved ones, O Lord, for whom we pray, and the prayers are even now being whispered before the throne of grace. We ask for Thy help without any hesitation, knowing that Thou are disposed to give even before we ask.
We thank Thee for askings that have been received and prayers that have been answered. We are so glad that by Thy grace and mercy broken bones have been mended, weak and struggling hearts have been made strong. We thank Thee that pain has been removed; the sick have so often been made well.
Hear us as we pray now for some who need stronger hearts. Thou art the great Doctor who can do it. Wilt Thou strengthen the hearts of them who we name even now?
And now grant to us that spiritual perception and faith that, having asked, reaches out to accept Thy good gifts. Help us to keep our eyes on Thee and not on symptoms. And grant, in Thine own time and Thine own way, a complete return to that health and strength which is Thy perfect will for Thy children. In Thy strength, who art the same, yesterday, today, and forever, we pray. Amen.
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