Friday, December 19, 2008


Earlier today I attended a lunch at which Drayton McLane (owner of our Astros) was the keynote speaker at the lunch and shared four pieces of wisdom that he had received years ago.

Dare to dream - dreams are free.
Trust your imagination not your memory.
Seek adversity - the lines are shorter and you grow.
Walk with elephants and surround yourself with positive people.

I've found myself reflecting on Drayton's words all afternoon. They've really challenged me to consider whether or not my dreams and imagination are God-sized, how much energy I spend avoiding adversity and who are the people walking alongside me.

Proverbs 13:20 put it this way: "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm."

What are your dreams? Which do you trust more, your imagination or your memory? Do you avoid adversity? Who is walking alongside you?

Great questions for reflection!

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