Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
1 Timothy 6: 18 and 19
This is really
One of my core beliefs is that generosity is a key to taking
hold of the life that is truly life. It
happens because when we are generous
We become imitators of God (THE most generous Being in the
We store up treasures in heaven and then
We take hold of the life that is truly life.
Sadly, a lot of us struggle to be generous. I shared in last week’s eBlast that 62% of those
who make contributions to Mountaintop give, on average, less than $5 each
week. That suggests that a lot of us are
missing out on becoming imitators of God, building a firm foundation and taking
hold of true life.
I’m convinced that it’s not because we are stingy or greedy
– most everyone wants to be generous.
The problem is no one ever showed us a better way to manage our money
and now we are in a mess.
This is really
important – on August 24 I want to share with you a better way.
On August 24th
I hope you will join me for a Journey
to Financial Freedom Seminar and discover the intersection of God and
your finances. It will be a day filled with Biblical teaching on how to apply
the wisdom of the Bible into everyday financial-decision making
Whether your
finances are a mess or you already have a handle on your spending, this live,
fast-paced experience will give help you:
Learn practical
steps for eliminating debt
confidence in your financial decisions
End the day with
a personalized plan for managing your finance and your life
Here are the
Journey to
Financial Freedom
August 24, 2013
9:00 am to 4:00
Community Church Atrium
Registration is $35 dollars, which
includes all the seminar material and lunch (and this is so important to me for
you to attend that if you need scholarship assistance please let me know).
Register online
at Journey to Financial Freedom.
Becoming an
imitator of God,
Laying a firm
foundation and
Taking hold of
the life that is truly life.
This is really
important as we learn and share a better way to live.
To the glory of