Between an amazing week of Getting in the Game with 1,300 kids and then a even better week here in Colorado celebrating 25 years of marriage with Kim, I've been away from blog posting for too long.
Kim and I are heading back to Houston (and the heat) in the morning, so we are logging in and finding out what is going on in the world beyond the Colorado mountains. Time away like this always provides a blessing of extra time for reading and journaling and praying (and discussing all 3 with Kim)
This week I’ve found myself drawn to Solomon’s response to God’s invitation to ask for whatever you want. We all remember that Solomon asked for wisdom, but reading the way he asked for spoke to me in a new way:
Now, O Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number. So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?
The Lord was pleased that Solomon asked for this.
1 Kings 3: 7 – 10
Admittedly, Solomon gets off track as the years go by, but there are few critical aspects to this prayer that I believe are important for us to remember as we seek to lead by grace:
God made Solomon king. If we believe that God is in the business of strategically placing people (and churches) then that means that each one of us has been placed in our position as the result of divine appointment. That should be both humbling and empowering.
It is good to be honest with our shortcomings. The duties required for the challenges and opportunities before us will most often (unless we play it safe) be beyond what we know how to do. The proper response is to recognize that and ask for help.
Solomon is a servant to God among the people. His task is not to serve the people but rather to serve God while governing the people. The temptation is often to serve the congregation. We need to remember who we are called to serve.
The task is always big – too numerous to count or number. We serve a big God, expect big tasks and deal with it.
The people belong to God – the church belongs to God. We are stewards of what belongs to God and stewards are expected to be faithful.
A discerning heart is better than riches or long life. Discernment comes through seeking God’s wisdom.
Humility pleases God more than our accomplishments.